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Getting Help

Getting help for a function

To get started with authentication, users can use the code-block shown below:-

import polly
from polly.auth import Polly

Once done, for a function in OmixAtlas class, user can initiate omixatlas object and use help() function as shown below:

from polly.omixatlas import OmixAtlas
omixatlas = OmixAtlas()

get_schema(repo_key: str, schema_level=[], source='', data_type='', return_type='dataframe') -> dict method of polly.omixatlas.OmixAtlas instance

Function to get the Schema of all the tables in an OmixAtlas. Any user can get the schema of an OmixAtlas.

- repo_key (str): repo_id OR repo_name. This is a mandatory field.
- schema_level (list, optional): Table name for which users want to get the schema. Users can get the table names by querying `SHOW TABLES IN <repo_name>` using query_metadata function. The default value is all the table names for the repo.
- source (str, optional): Source for which user wants to fetch the schema. The default value is all the sources in the schema.
- data_type (str, optional): Datatype for which user wants to fetch the schema. The default value is all the datatypes in the schema.
- return_type (str, optional): For users who intend to query should use "dataframe" output. For users, who want to perform schema management, they should get the output in "dict" format. Dataframe format doesn't give the complete schema, it only shows the information

Similarly, for a function in Workspaces class, users can initiate workspaces object and use help() function as shown below:

from polly.workspaces import Workspaces
workspace = Workspaces()
